Parallel Session ITIS 2023
Thursday, October 19, 2022, Time : 12.30 – 16.00 (Gmt +7)
Parallel Session – 1 : Ballroom 1 October 19th 2023 – Offline
No. | Paper ID | Paper Title | First Author’s Name |
1 | 1570943305 | CFD Simulation of the Effect of Adding a Sludge Zone to the Sequencing Batch Reactor for fluid turbulence | Novirina Hendrasarie |
2 | 1570933211 | Design and Build a Passenger Prediction Information System Using Gated Recurrent Unit Deep Learning Algorithm | Faikul Umam |
3 | 1570935301 | Communication Between Control Modules on the Mouse for the Disabled | Albert Hans Soeseno |
4 | 1570943588 | Sentiment Analysis of Crypto Coin on Twitter Data Using Text Mining Method with K-Means Clustering Case Study: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Binance | Excelsius Ferdian Roni |
5 | 1570934409 | Artificial Intelligence-Based System ‘SiMoniK’ for MSMEs | Sri Lestari |
6 | 1570943301 | Optimization of Binary Classification Based on Receiver Operating Characteristic Area Under the Curve for Supervised Machine Learning. | Ani Dijah Rahajoe |
7 | 1570943595 | Implementation of the SMART Method and Location Based Service Technology in a Sewing Service Search Application | Retno Mumpuni |
8 | 1570943149 | Influencing Factor User Acceptance Mobile Library in Indonesia: A Study on iPusnas Application | Tri Lathif Mardi Suryanto |
9 | 1570943161 | Unveiling Patterns Utilizing Folium for Visualizing Clustered Criminal Acts Distribution in Surabaya City | Reisa Permatasari |
10 | 1570943319 | Food Optimizing for Patients with Kidney Failure Using Evolution Strategies Algorithm | Andreas Nugroho Sihananto |
11 | 1570943378 | Implementation Frequent Pattern Growth (FP-Growth) Algorithm on Market Basket Analysis for Determining Consumer Purchasing Patterns (Case Study: XYZ Coffee Shop) | Abdul Rezha Efrat Najaf |
12 | 1570943567 | Hybridization of Particle Swarm Optimization and Variable Neighborhood Search for Multi-Site Aggregates Production Planning in Home Textile Industry | Agung Mustika Rizki |
13 | 1570943611 | Enhancing Thematic Holy Quran Verse Retrieval Through Vector Space Model and Query Expansion for Effective Query Answering | Muhammad Muharrom Al Haromainy |
Parallel Session – 2 : Meeting Room 2 October 19th 2023 – Offline
No. | Paper ID | Paper Title | First Author’s Name |
1 | 1570939147 | Impulsivity Level of a Potential Leader based on Barin Signal Amplitude and Latency with the SVM Method | Gilbert Faintbright Yohanes |
2 | 1570930349 | E-Marketplace Selection for Indonesian MSMEs: A Sentiment Analysis Approach Combining Lexicon-Based and Support Vector Machine | Wahyudi Agustiono |
3 | 1570943139 | iTCLab PID Control Tuning Using Deep Learning | Basuki Rahmat |
4 | 1570942121 | Monitoring System on Autonomous Farming Drone Based on Convolutional Neural Network | Aulia Putri Ajuntira |
5 | 1570939256 | Clustering Coping Capacity Using HCSS (Hard Clustering Based on SoG Set) | Ani Apriani |
6 | 1570931929 | Content-Based Recommendation Engine Using Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency Vectorization and Cosine Similarity: A Case Study | Ida Lumintu |
7 | 1570941623 | Classification of Pneumonia Using a Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network | I Gede Susrama Mas Diyasa |
8 | 1570940884 | Sperm Classification of X and Y Chromosomes Based on Lazy Learning Using K-NN | Made Hanindia Prami Swari |
9 | 1570942798 | The Impact of Message Replication on VDTN Spray Protocol for Smart City | Agussalim |
10 | 1570939018 | Detection of Drug Effects on the Brain-based EEG Signals Using K-Nearest Neighbors | Jonathan Given Hamonangan |
11 | 1570939373 | Process Mining Approach to Analyze Engagement in Campaign Activities | Aryo Nugroho, M.T. |
12 | 1570935466 | Design of a Real Time Cow Smart Collar Health and Position Monitoring System | Diana Rahmawati |
Parallel Session – 3 : Meeting Room 3 October 19th 2023 – Offline
No | Paper ID | Paper Title | First Author’s Name |
1 | 1570943330 | Vehicle Accident Detection System with LPWAN Technology for Information Transmission | Albert Sagala |
2 | 1570940170 | Off-Grid Solar PV System withWeb-Based Data Management and Sun Tracking Capability for Brgy. 649, Baseco Compound, Manila | Angelo A. Beltran Jr. |
3 | 1570925877 | Development of Grid Connected Solar PV Power Management Controller with Internet of Things Based Real Time Data Checking | Angelo A. Beltran Jr. |
4 | 1570935168 | Leveraging U-Net Architecture for Accurate Localization in Brain Tumor Segmentation | Jeckey Ng Kah Poo |
5 | 1570940518 | On Max Pressure Urban Traffic Control with Learning | Adiyana Putri |
6 | 1570940522 | Normalized Traffic Features Using Graph Signal Processing for Traffic Flow Prediction | Adiyana Putri |
7 | 1570943328 | Performance of Human Activity Recognition Classification using LSTM and 1D-2D CNN | Muhammad Iqbal Anggoro Agung |
8 | 1570933096 | Soft Set Based Clustering and Its Comparison on Categorical Data | Iwan Tri Riyadi Yanto |
9 | 1570935475 | Multisensory Culinary Image Classification Based on SqueezeNet and Support Vector Machine’ | Santirianingrum Soebandhi |
10 | 1570941542 | SkinMate: Mobile-Based Application for Detecting Multi-Class Skin Diseases Classification Using Pre-Trained MobileNetV2 on CNN Architecture | Tresna Maulana Fahrudin |
11 | 1570931902 | Autism Screening Prediction Based on Multi-Kernel Support Vector Machine | Ari Kusumaningsih |
12 | 1570939468 | Adaptation of Multilingual T5 Transformer for Indonesian Language | Mukhlish Fuadi |