Once a paper is accepted, the registration phase begins. All the conference attendees should be registered. Only registered authors can participate in the conference and present their papers. If the registered author is absent, another co-author, if his/her status is, can present the paper. It is mandatory for at least one author of an accepted paper to register for the paper to appear in the Proceedings and be included in the Technical Program

The authors should complete the following THREE steps:

Step 1 – Seminar Registration Fee

International and Indonesian participants

For all registered participants, payment includes free 2 tickets for recreational facilities at Jatim Park 3 except for participants (not paper presenters). Tickets that can be used are the Milenial Glow Garden ticket and The Legend Stars ticket. Tickets can only be used on Wednesdays and Thursdays (18 and 19 October 2023).

Seminar fees can be seen on the main page of the website.

***The last Early Bird payment is September 6, 2023.
***The last Regular payment is September 11 September 15, 2023.

Please transfer to :
BCA Account (Muhammad Suriansyah) : 0092485674

Please confirm your payment by filling google form: https://forms.gle/6xhrtpAtGNh8k1iv7

Step 2 – Copyright Transfer

All authors must sign (for their own paper) the Copyright Transfer Form electronically. This process should be done before uploading the camera-ready paper through your EDAS account.

Step 3 – Camera Ready Paper Submission

*** Submission must be made by September 18th, 2023.

The accepted and presented papers of ITIS 2023 will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. This means it must fulfill the IEEE requirements regarding the final submitted version. The normal length is 6 pages. Excess pages will be charged US$ 15 or Rp. 250. Maximum 8 pages. Please follow the following steps strictly:

  • You must submit the camera-ready paper following the standard IEEE Conference Proceeding format, download here for docx format and here for latex format. Failing to conform to the standard format will result in rejection.
  • Click on the “My Papers” menu item at the top of the page. This will produce a list of all your papers on the EDAS system.
    Click on the title of the paper that you want to submit. This will take you to the individual paper page containing all the paper’s details.
  • Ensure all author information is stored correctly on EDAS and matches the information on the PDF file.
    Click on the “Upload Manuscript” icon EDAS upload button EDAS_upload within the “Final Manuscript” field. This will take you to a new page.


Before uploading your paper’s final version (camera ready), we kindly ask you to verify if your PDF is compatible with IEEE Xplore. IEEE offers a service for checking PDF compatibility:

  • Please go to https://ieee-pdf-express.org/
  • Enter the following conference ID: 59651X
  • Log into the PDF Express Website. If you do not have an account, please create one.
  • Follow the steps to complete the PDF verification process.

For Inquiry and Confirmation, please Contact HP/WA:

+62 856-4990-8178 (Anindo)